This is a collection of tips for people assisting with FOLIO development operations.
See also some specific DevOps Guides.
These GitHub repositories are utilised for DevOps work. Some are private, therefore only for people with relevant permissions.
jenkins-pipeline-libs – Shared library for FOLIO Jenkins Pipeline. Used for FOLIO continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) by each project repositories.
folio-ansible – Sample Ansible playbook and roles for FOLIO (and Vagrant).
folio-infrastructure – Various infrastructure bits related to FOLIO.
folio-tools – Various tools and support glue for FOLIO CI.
- – The source-code repository for this “FOLIO Developers” website at
Starting points and tips
These are some of the main starting points to assist with FOLIO DevOps work. Use the Search facility for more.
Of course we attend to much more than just the following items.
Collaboration channels
Introduction to the Community and Collaboration tools.
The main Slack channels:
- #devops-internal – For our group.
- #devops – For the wider community to ask for DevOps assistance.
- #hosted-reference-envs – For requests and trouble with the regularly-built reference environments.
- #support and #development – We encourage developers to seek community support here, leaving the #devops channel for specific DevOps issues.
- #releases – For release announcements.
Refer to the overview of the Build, test, and deployment infrastructure and notes about Jenkins, Docker, Nexus, etc. .
See explanation of precedence of environment variables and handling via Okapi (DeploymentDescriptor, system-level, LaunchDescriptor) and support for that in folio-ansible roles.
Reference environments
Explanations of each of the regularly-built reference environments including the build times and links to the relevant Jenkins jobs.
We monitor those builds, triage problems, and try to direct issues back to developers.
We try to limit out-of-band requests to manually rebuild these. Many other people utilise these systems. See Slack #hosted-reference-envs channel. People need to ask there and allow time for others to be aware.
To determine the cause of failed builds, search the Jenkins output logfile. Remember that the cause might be in the earlier build of “Pipeline build-platform-complete-snapshot” etc.
Encourage developers to utilise the facility to obtain reference environment module logs, rather than asking us to do it for them.
Developer scratch environments
Refer to the overview of How to get started with Rancher environment and Helm.
GitHub and Jenkins access
Developers need access to GitHub repositories and Jenkins.
GitHub team access
Refer to FAQ How to request GitHub user or team access.
Note that we try to steer clear of managing GitHub access for individuals. Instead allocate access for a whole Team to a repository.
When enabling a team, then also add it to the “Security and analysis” section, so that they can see and attend to scanning alerts.
GitHub new developer
Refer to FAQ How to request GitHub user or team access.
Jenkins access
For consistently named GitHub repositories, then Jenkins access should be automatic (provided that the user is logged in).
If not, then visit the “Manage Jenkins : Manage and Assign Roles” section.
Do the “Manage Roles” first, then “Assign Roles”.
The “Manage roles” cannot have multiple patterns, but can handle a broader regex. Do not add the outer double-quotes. The “Add” button is way to the right-hand side.
Jira developer access
Developers can create their own Jira accounts.
Occasionally a project manager (see team matrix) will request special access to maintain the “Fix Version/s” settings.
Visit the Jira admin “User management” and filter to find the relevant user. Add the Group “external-core-collaborators”. (They might also need “ui-project-admins” or “project-admins”. TODO: Clarify.)
Jira add new project
Project managers will sometimes ask us to add a new Jira Project. They should provide the name and key.
Visit the Jira Browse projects section to ensure that the name and key is sensible.
Via the Jira top navigation “Projects” tab, select “Create project”. At the bottom of the screen, select “Create with shared configuration”.
Select “Choose a project” option “Library Apps (LIBAPP)”. Then “Next” to add the details.
After project creation, visit the new project. Select “Project settings” at the bottom of the sidebar. Then select “Details” and add its GitHub URL.