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To add a new document to this site, follow these guidelines. There are separate guidelines for creating a new FAQ and a new Tutorial, and for general contributions and edits to existing material.

After understanding how to be set up for editing and publishing, then move on the preparation and creation of a new document.

About editing and publishing

This section has general tips and background understanding. It will be more productive to be familiar before starting a new document.

Refer to the README for this git repository (which is the source for this website). That also has general explanation about how the site operates. There are also various notes in the “Work area - management of dev site”.

As is normal, contributors that do not have write access to this repository will fork and branch and send pull-requests. Others will directly use feature branches (as master branch is protected) and send pull requests.

See how to configure your text editor with the .editorconfig configuration.

It is best to establish your local Jekyll setup as explained in the README. Creating documentation can be fiddly. Develop your branch locally. View via the local Jekyll server. When ready then push the branch. As noted in the README, every push to the repository will cause AWS to rebuild your branch, so best to accumulate commits and push a batch.

(It might be possible to make edits via GitHub, but as noted above, any substantial documentation work is best done locally.)

When ready, create the pull-request as normal. After merge, the site is regenerated and automatically deployed immediately.


Decide the most appropriate location for the documentation. If it concerns a specific module then it may be more appropriate to add to that module’s local documentation.

If the new documentation is more appropriate at, then continue here.

First do some background planning.

Do search first. It might be suitable to add another section to an existing document.

Also search the issue tracker, as someone may have already proposed a similar document. Generally the documentation tickets use the Jira Label devdoc. Consider adding a new ticket to facilitate your document development, or to suggest others. Refer to notes for raising Jira tickets.

Decide the type of document: Guidelines (various procedures that should/must be followed), Guides (assistance with other topics), Tutorials (each tutorial is a set of related documents), or FAQs.

Decide a clear topic for the document. This will assist with devising a suitable title and permalink.

Plan the internal sections of the new document.


Learn how to achieve certain features by inspecting behind-the-scenes of other documents.


Copy another similar document to the new file. Use a relevant filename, following the established filename convention, and use hyphen-separated words.

Adjust the YAML front-matter. The permalink is the URI of the document. Choose carefully, so as to not break URLs in the future.

Trim the existing content away.

Table of contents

The table-of-contents (ToC) in the left-hand navigation panel is automatically generated from the html headings found in the content of the page.

The page title is the level-one heading.

The ToC is produced from the second-level headings (i.e. starting with ## Foo bar in the Markdown content) and third-level headings are within each section as sub-sections.

Use concise and descriptive section heading titles. About 72 characters is the limit. After that the ToC heading will be rendered with an ellipsis. The tool-tip hover will show the full title text.

The fragment identifiers for each section heading are automatically generated from the titles of the headings.

If explicit anchors are required (e.g. to make a better link, or to ensure unique IDs) then use section headings of this form: ## Complex heading {#instead-do-this}

For example, see the source for this page.

If the document has internal sections, then the Table of contents is automatically generated into the left-hand panel.

Above that in the left-hand panel is the menu for navigation of this particular area of the site.

Not every document is explicitly added to this panel.

See examples of other areas to learn how this is achieved. For example: Guidelines and Reference and Tutorials. View the front-matter of files in those areas.

Regarding content links: Make links from relevant content of other documents.

Use links that start with / e.g. /reference/api/

Do not use links that start with ../foo which will not function.

Line breaks

If a line-break is required within a content paragraph, then use the Markdown line-break (line termination with backslash).

Do verify internal and external links.

Ensure that the new content can be discovered via the local Search system.

See the notes in the work area.

Also ensure that the content has appropriate search terms. Try different ways to find it, and add more search terms.