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To add a new Tutorial to this site, follow these guidelines. There are separate guidelines for creating a new regular document which also has advice about editing and publishing the changes.

Choose one of the existing tutorials to use as a template, for example the “folio-vm” one.

Create a new git branch, as explained.

Create a new directory:

cd tutorials
mkdir my-one

Copy the index page of the template tutorial:

cp folio-vm/ my-one/

Edit the page my-one/ to adjust the YAML front-matter:

  • Replace the title and adjust the permalink to be /tutorials/my-one/
  • For the menuSubs replace the title with the short menu title of this tutorial
  • For the menuSubs replace the index with the sequence number to position this new tutorial in the menu structure
  • For each sub in the menuSubs section (i.e. menu items) adjust its url to suit (e.g. /tutorials/my-one/overview/ and /tutorials/my-one/01-first-lesson/ etc.)
  • Adjust the text content of this index page

Copy the overview page of the template tutorial:

cp folio-vm/ my-one/

Edit this overview page my-one/ to replace the sections for Goals, Prerequisites, etc. Also adjust its YAML front-matter for its title and permalink fields.

Edit the page tutorials/ to add a content link to the new one, as is done for the others.

Add documents for each lesson.

Ensure that the new tutorial can be properly browsed via the local Jekyll server, and that titles and URLs are as expected. Ensure that the new tutorial content can be discovered via local Search.

When ready then push the git branch, and create the pull-request as explained.