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Each project’s git repository structure has a top-level file called Jenkinsfile which is utilized by the continuous integration process to enable each project to specify certain additional build steps.

The library primarily supports two types of development environments at this time – Java-based Maven projects and Nodejs-based projects.

The files and main parameters are explained below for back-end.

Each parameter can be omitted to accept the default.

The values are: true or false (or the old syntax 'yes' or 'no').

Back-end modules

A typical Maven-based, server-side FOLIO module Jenkinsfile configuration might look like the following. See an example at mod-courses/Jenkinsfile

buildMvn {
  buildNode = 'jenkins-agent-java17'
  publishModDescriptor = true
  mvnDeploy = true

  doDocker = {
    buildJavaDocker {
      publishMaster = true
      healthChk = true
      healthChkCmd = 'wget --no-verbose --tries=1 --spider http://localhost:8081/admin/health || exit 1'
  • buildNode – The Jenkins node to run the CI build. The default is 'jenkins-agent-java17' if not specified. The other available option is 'jenkins-agent-java21'. See FAQ How to specify which Jenkins build image for CI.
  • publishModDescriptor – Maven-based modules will generate the ModuleDescriptor.json file as explained. It will be published to the FOLIO Module Descriptor registry. (Default: false)

  • mvnDeploy – Deploy Maven artifacts to FOLIO Maven repository. (Default: false)

  • doUploadApidocs – If the module also generates API documentation during its CI Maven phase, then upload to S3. Uploads all generated docs found in the “target/apidocs” directory. (Note: This is additional to “api-doc”.) More explanation at FOLIO-3008. Example: mod-search. (Default: false)

If we are creating and deploying a Docker image as part of the module’s artifacts, specify ‘doDocker’ with ‘buildJavaDocker’ (for Spring-based modules instead use the ‘buildDocker’) and the following options:

  • publishMaster – Publish image to ‘folioci’ Docker repository on Docker Hub when building ‘master’ branch. (Default: true)

  • healthChk – Perform a container healthcheck during build. See ‘healthChkCmd’. (Default: false)

  • healthChkCmd – Use the specified command to perform container health check. The command is run inside the container and typically tests a REST endpoint to determine the health of the application running inside the container. Prefer wget over curl as Alpine by default ships without curl but with BusyBox, a multi-call binary that contains wget with reduced number of options.

Front-end modules

Note: Front-end modules are being migrated to use GitHub Actions Workflows. So for those, Jenkinsfile is not relevant.

Further information

There are other options available to ‘buildNPM’, ‘buildMvn’, and ‘buildJavaDocker’ for certain corner cases. Please ask for assistance.