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Back-end Java-based modules can specify which build image to use during the Jenkins continuous integration builds.

For front-end modules that still use Jenkins build rather than GitHub Workflows, the buildNode provides the relevant Nodejs version.

Using Java 17

For projects that use Java 17:

  • In Jenkinsfile, declare this in the “buildMvn” section:
    buildNode = 'jenkins-agent-java17'
  • In Jenkinsfile, declare the mandatory module heath check endpoint via the Docker command healthChkCmd to use ‘wget’. (There is no ‘curl’ available on the base image.)
  • In Dockerfile, use:
    FROM folioci/alpine-jre-openjdk17:latest

Using Java 11

For projects that use Java 11:

  • In Jenkinsfile, declare this in the “buildMvn” section:
    buildNode = 'jenkins-agent-java11'
  • In Dockerfile, use:
    FROM folioci/alpine-jre-openjdk11:latest
  • Additional upgrade notes for projects based on RAML Module Builder (RMB).

Not using buildMvn pipeline

As some Java-based projects do not use the “buildMvn” pipeline, they can specify the agent node in their Jenkinsfile (either 'jenkins-agent-java17' or 'jenkins-agent-java11') e.g.:

agent {
  node {
    label 'jenkins-agent-java11'

Node version for front-end

For the few front-end projects that still use Jenkins build rather than GitHub Workflows, the buildNode provides the relevant Nodejs version:

For projects that now use Nodejs 16:

  • In Jenkinsfile, declare this in the “buildNPM” section:
    buildNode = 'jenkins-agent-java17'

For projects that still use Nodejs 14:

  • In Jenkinsfile, declare this in the “buildNPM” section:
    buildNode = 'jenkins-agent-java11'

Using deprecated Java 8

Note: FOLIO modules can no longer use the deprecated Java 8 facilities (FOLIO-2926).