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There are many individual FOLIO modules hosted at GitHub. The Source-code map lists each relevant module, and links to its related documentation.

This enables all developers to easily discover the information that they need, to be able to work with each module.

As explained in the FAQ Where is developer documentation located, one of the principles of FOLIO module development is that module documentation is managed along with its source code.

The following sections provide some tips for module developers to improve the discoverability and usability of their module documentation.


The Source-code map is automatically generated. Each week an infrastructure job gathers essential metadata about each project repository that is hosted at FOLIO GitHub. Additional metadata is appended, which includes links to Wiki “App tips” and “App settings”. (The future “User docs” project may also provide relevant links.)

Would module developers please use the hints in the sections below to assist the bot to provide a useful repository listing.

Docs directory

A top-level directory named “docs” or “doc” will be detected.

See examples: ui-courses and mod-circulation and stripes-core.

Add a “docs” front page by creating a file in that directory named (or README.rst). GitHub will automatically display the contents of that page (whereas it will not display a file named

Use this front page to provide an index to the module’s local documentation.

The “About” section

GitHub provides a repository Setting called “About” at the top-right of each repository’s front page. Use this for a concise note about the purpose.

See examples: raml-module-builder and ui-courses.

The README introduction

Provide an “Introduction” section (or “Overview” or “Purpose” or “Goal”) of the repository’s top-level README Markdown page.

Especially utilise the first couple of sentences to provide a concise explanation of the features of the module.

The bot gathers the first paragraph of such a section.

Note that if a template was used to generate the initial project content (e.g. using stripes-cli) then the boilerplate content needs to be replaced at various parts of the initial README.

Additional metadata

The data file “_data/repos-metadata.yml” contains additional metadata about some specific repositories.

This information includes extra documentation links, beyond that automatically gathered in the above-mentioned repos.json file.

Note that such links are intended as starting points, not to list every piece of documentation here.

Please send pull-requests to add documentation links for your repository. Alternatively raise a FOLIO DevOps Jira ticket.

The YAML structure is explained in the head of that file. The tool “yq” is useful for verifying YAML files, e.g. do yq '.' repos-metadata.yml

# name: This is the name of the GitHub repository, e.g. ui-users
#   urlUserTips: URL of the most relevant FOLIOtips Wiki page.
#   urlAppSettings: URL of the most relevant FOLIOtips/Settings Wiki page.
#   furtherDescription: Additional text to supplement repo GitHub About.
#   urlsOther: Array of other doc URLs.

Improvements needed

If the FOLIO Wiki “FOLIOtips” and “FOLIOtips/Settings” index pages reliably used the module name (e.g. Tags for ui-tags) then the bot could automatically link, and so those attributes could be removed from the “Additional metadata” file.

Eventually there might be “App store” categories that could be used to cross-link such information.

Fully automate the regular gathering of the repos.json metadata. This could then also gather other information.

Assemble source-code map

Explanation about how the Source-code map index is assembled and maintained:

Details of each relevant FOLIO-related repository that is hosted at GitHub are gathered automatically (including information such as type of repository; does it have a “docs” directory; if backend, then does it have a “ramls” directory). This collection is done occasionally as a FOLIO DevOps infrastructure job. It is not yet automated, but is initiated manually. The resulting JSON file is committed as the “_data/repos.json” data file.

The data file “_data/repos-metadata.yml” contains additional metadata about some specific repositories.

Behind the scenes of the page “source-code/” the Jekyll Liquid program assembles and presents the page.

When User docs are available for the next flower release, then adjust the “versionUserDocs” variable in the source-code/ file.

Use the Link checker to verify internal and external links.

Additional module repositories

For module repositories that are hosted at “folio-org” GitHub organization, the repositories are automatically discovered as explained in the previous section.

For relevant module repositories that are hosted at other GitHub organizations, their details are listed in the “_data/repos-additional.json” data file.

To modify the list, use one of these methods, and be explicit about each repository to be included: