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This document declares the naming conventions, which enable consistency.


Note that some early modules did not follow some aspects of these naming schemes.

Choose all names carefully, as there are various ramifications to later changing that.

In most cases (except when camelCase is required) use hyphenation to join words in a name, i.e. hyphen-separated strings (sometimes referred to as dash-separated).

The guide to commence a new module explains a typical directory layout and standard filenames.

Module names

Each module has its own git repository.

Take care to choose wisely for the module/repository name. It will be disruptive to change that.

Note that the repository name is normally the same as the module name. The module name can be different, but that can lead to trouble.

Back-end modules do have a limit of 31 bytes for the module name, and must be composed of only lowercase letters, digits, and hyphens. Other restrictions for back-end module names are specified at the Wiki Tenant ID and Module Name Restrictions.

The name uses the following scheme with a consistent prefix and hyphen-separated words:

Most module names will be in the plural sense, e.g. mod-notes, especially when responsible for collections of items.

Some back-end modules are paired. For example mod-inventory is the business logic module, while mod-inventory-storage is the associated storage module. Having such a stem name, enables dividing a module into more layers.

The version number of a module uses semantic versioning.


These are explained at Permissions in Stripes and FOLIO (with some further links via this FAQ).

Permissions are defined in each module’s ModuleDescriptor.

The naming scheme is a faceted dot-separated string, with the delimited terms as hyphen-separated words. The first portion is the exact name of the responsible module (back-end modules drop the mod- prefix).

Some examples:

  • mod-users declares users.collection.get
  • mod-inventory-storage declares
  • ui-users declares ui-users.view


JSON key names use camelCase.

Some examples:

  • mod-inventory-storage defines contributorNameTypes
  • All modules use totalRecords and id and metadata


The back-end modules define each interface that they provide, in their ModuleDescriptor. Each module can define more than one interface. Normally an interface is defined by only one module, but Okapi does allow different modules to provide the same interface by using multiple interfaces.

The name of an interface (its id) uses hyphen-separated strings. It is normally the same as the set of pathPatterns for which it provides handlers.

Some examples:

  • mod-inventory-storage provides various interfaces including item-storage and loan-types and others.

The version number of an interface uses the first two portions of semantic versioning. There does not need to be any correlation between the module version and the version of the interfaces it implements.

The back-end modules can also provide system interfaces. These Okapi interface names start with underscore, e.g. the Tenant Interface _tenant

API endpoints

The back-end modules define their routes and API endpoints in their API descriptions, and declare the endpoints as the pathPatterns in the interfaces defined by their ModuleDescriptor.

Endpoints use hyphen-separated strings, with URI parameters as camelCase. There is no trailing slash.

Some examples:

  • mod-inventory-storage declares /contributor-name-types/{contributorNameTypeId}

All backend modules are required to provide the module health check /admin/health endpoint.

The special prefix /_ is used to to distinguish the routing for the core endpoints of Okapi internal web services from the extension points provided by modules (e.g. /_/proxy).

Release branches and tags

Each release is tagged in git, with a name beginning with v and followed by the version number (e.g. v2.3.5).

There are long-lived release branches, with a name beginning with b and followed by the major and minor version number (e.g. b2.17).

See further information for front-end and back-end modules.