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Even though people take care to use an appropriate name for a module and its repository when it is commenced, it does sometimes become necessary to change the name.

Renaming is often difficult and has various ramifications, so please consider carefully.


Co-ordinate the steps with team members. At an early stage, tell the wider community of the upcoming event.

A general summary follows. The order of steps is loosely proper. Although some will overlap, some may delay others, some may be better done at a different stage.

Most parts can be done by the relevant development teams, while other parts might require operations DevOps assistance.

Create tickets

Create Jira issue tracker tickets to help direct the various parts of the process. Smaller, well-contained tickets are useful so that each part can be readily completed, and so that various teams and people can be responsible.

Retain old repository

Do not remove or rename the old git repository, nor remove its release branches.

Its artifacts are still required for past releases, and there may be a need to do bugfix releases.

Also it will still be configured, using the old module name, in folio-ansible roles for creating various reference environments, and in platform-complete. Do not change anything at this stage.

Archive old repository

Limit the access to the old repository so that no further changes can happen while it is cloned to become the new one.

Modify the GitHub repository “Description” field to prepend the text: ** DEPRECATED: Renamed to xxxx **

Deal with any outstanding pull requests.

For front-end modules, ideally perform one more run to capture any remaining translations under this old repository name. Otherwise follow-up when configuring Lokalise for the new repository.

Take note of the Settings for branch protection and teams, which will be applied to the new repository.

Now follow the full procedure How to archive a GitHub repository.

Create repository, do git clone

Create a new, completely empty GitHub repository. Follow the module naming conventions.

Clone the relevant parts (without release tags) of the old one. This procedure will also retain the git history.

mkdir temp; cd temp
git clone --recurse-submodules --single-branch --no-tags \

Remove Jenkinsfile, so that artifacts are not deployed yet:

git mv Jenkinsfile Jenkinsfile-disabled
... and commit

Push to master of the new repository:

git status
git push

Configure GitHub Settings

The usual Settings, access for relevant teams, branch protection, required status checks, etc.

The actual status checks can only be enabled after the first pull request, and must be done within a few days of creating the PR.

For guidance, follow the settings of the old one.

Rename git configuration, source, docs

Replace all mention of the old project name.

Update git project configuration (pom.xml or package.json), descriptors, permissions in ModuleDescriptor, translations, source code, project name in RAML or OpenAPI (OAS) files and JSON schemas, readme, other project description, etc.

For back-end modules: In the ModuleDescriptor, utilise the “replaces” feature. See an example. If unsure then ask on Slack #development for assistance.

Restore Jenkinsfile

When all old project name strings have been rectified, then restore Jenkinsfile, perhaps still disabling some stages.

git mv Jenkinsfile-disabled Jenkinsfile
... and commit

Among other things, this gets the initial base Sonar coverage scan.

This will need temporary loosening of the GitHub Settings for branch protection, to push directly to master branch. Otherwise doing it in a pull request will report failure messages in the Sonar stage, because there is no base scan (subsequent PRs would be okay).

Adjust Lokalise configuration

For front-end modules:

Ideally, before Archiving the old repository, perform one more run to capture any remaining translations under the old name. If this had not been done, then follow these steps while configuring Lokalise for the new repository.

  1. Add the new git repo to Lokalise (as one normally would), substituting these instructions for the pull request configuration.
  2. Before adding en.json to pull request configuration, add all non-en.json files and set to their corresponding languages.
  3. Make a pull request in Lokalise to add all non-en.json files to Lokalise.
  4. Remove all non-en.json files from the Lokalise pull request configuration and add en.json. Continue as normal.

Add to reference environments

Before proceeding, do double-check that the ModuleDescriptor utilises the “replaces” facility.

After the initial snapshot artifacts have been deployed by CI, add the new module to the snapshot reference environments. Follow the FAQ to install the new module.

If the interface name and version remains the same, then this task is straight-forward renaming in the platform configuration.

If the interface name has changed, then leave the old one in-place at this stage. It will be removed from some environments after all other modules in FOLIO CI, that use the old interface name, have upgraded to “require” the new one.

Adjust Stripes Platforms

After the initial release, adjust the configured module name and version in platform-complete master branch. Follow the release procedures for platforms.

Prepare Jira project

Prepare Jira “project”. Sometimes best to create new one, and re-key relevant issues. Other times best to rename.

Adjust website API docs configuration

The API documentation for the new module will be automatically generated on its merge to mainline branch. The new documentation will be automatically discovered on the next daily run, as explained.

In the _data/apigroup.yml file, add an entry for the new module. Move the old one to the “deprecated” section at the bottom (it can be later removed after a few flower releases). These tasks can be done by DevOps people.

Remove from reference environments

When other modules in FOLIO CI have updated their use of old interfaces, then the deprecated modules can be removed from hosted/reference environments.

When you have ascertained readiness, then do the reverse of the procedure for a new module.

Verify and notify

Throughout this process there would have already been verification of each step.

Do another visit to the main project resources.

Announce that the new project is ready. Celebrate.

Consider clarifications and other items to enhance this document.