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Note: This documentation is outdated.

Branch preview mode allows developers, product owners, and other interested parties to “preview” changes to FOLIO UI components on a live FOLIO system before committing them to the master branch.

NOTE: This is a proof-of-concept, applying to selected UI modules: ui-users and ui-requests.

How it works

A FOLIO backend system is built daily from the master branch of these “platform” GitHub repositories: FOLIO “platform-complete” distribution.

These systems contain only the latest releases of Okapi and backend FOLIO modules that are included in either of the FOLIO platforms listed above.

When a GitHub PR is opened for an existing branch on, the following “preview” related processes occur in addition to existing quality gates (unit tests, SonarQube, etc).

  • The base set of backend FOLIO modules used in the PR are derived from releases specified in the master branch of platform-complete (see ‘install.json’). However, there are cases where, in order to adequately test new functionality in a frontend module, replacing a released module with an unreleased version may be necessary to include in the PR.
    This can be accomplished by specifying the backend module you want to substitute for the released module in a file called ‘.pr-custom-deps.json’ located in the top-level directory of your module’s repo. This is a json-formatted file that contains the ‘id’ of the module you want to include and the ‘action’ you want Okapi to take with the module for your tenant - ‘enable’ or ‘disable’. The following example will deploy and enable snapshot versions of mod-users-bl and mod-users in place of the default released modules:

    [ { “id” : “mod-users-bl-4.5.0-SNAPSHOT.62”, “action” : “enable” }, { “id” : “mod-users-15.6.0-SNAPSHOT.76”, “action” : “enable” } ]

  • Code from the UI module’s branch is merged into platform-complete. Essentially replacing the released version of the module.

  • A stripes “bundle” or webpack is compiled, and a module descriptor for the module that is getting previewed is posted to Okapi on the backend FOLIO instance.

  • An interface dependency check is conducted via Okapi to ensure that all required interfaces can be resolved to the existing set of released modules that are deployed on the FOLIO server.

  • A tenant is created on the backend FOLIO system for each build iteration of the PR. The tenant naming convention is “GITHUB_PROJECT NAME_ + PR_NUMBER_ + JENKINS_BUILD_NUMBER”. For example, PR 64 for ui-users would create a tenant called ‘ui_users_64_1’. The tenant admin user for the tenant is the same as the tenant name + ‘admin’. For example, the tenant admin user for tenant, ui_users_64_1, would be ‘ui_users_64_1_admin’. The tenant admin password in all cases is ‘admin’.

  • Tenant modules are enabled, and reference and sample data for select modules are loaded for the tenant.

  • The stripes webpack is distributed to an S3 web service. The UI is configured for the correct tenant and Okapi instance. An AWS S3 URL to the UI is appended to the pull request.

All of the above steps happen more or less sequentially, so if a step fails for whatever reason, the build is marked as ‘FAILED’.

Current limitations

  • The UI module must have an interface that is compatible with the existing set of released modules. If a UI module requires a newer version of an interface from a backend module, then the backend module must be released first and included in the FOLIO configuration of released modules contained on the master branch of platform-complete.

  • There can be multiple build iterations for each PR. A new tenant will be created for each iteration. However, only one Stripes bundle is retained - the one produced from the latest build iteration.

  • The backend FOLIO instance is rebuilt daily. Therefore, tenants created from the previous day are no longer accessible and a new tenant must be provisioned by initiating the next build iteration. This can be done with either a new commit pushed to the previewed branch or by initiating a PR build via FOLIO Jenkins.

  • When a PR is closed, then all AWS S3 resources associated with the PR are removed.

Enabling branch preview mode

To enable branch preview mode for a UI module, the ‘stripesPlatform’ parameter must be configured in the repository’s Jenkinsfile.

Example configuration:

buildNPM {
  publishModDescriptor = true
  runLint = false
  runSonarqube = false
  runRegression = true
  runTest = false
  runTestOptions = '--karma.singleRun --karma.browsers ChromeDocker --karma.reporters
                    mocha junit --coverage'
  stripesPlatform = [ repo:'platform-core', branch:'master']

Note: Only ‘platform-core’ and branch ‘master’ is supported at this time.

Additionally, if UI integration tests exist for a UI module, these tests will also run during the PR build iteration when ‘runRegression’ is set to true.


Please post any issues or additional questions to the #devops channel on FOLIO Slack.