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Note: This documentation is outdated.

Branch preview mode allows developers, product owners, and other interested parties to “preview” changes to FOLIO components on a live FOLIO system before merging them to the master branch. It is particularly useful for UI developers to either test or demonstrate feature branch code, but can also be used by backend developers to test module API features in the context of a FOLIO build.

The process includes a full or partial FOLIO build of platform-complete using the master branch of the repository as a baseline for the build when a PR is opened. Developers can substitute backend module feature branches or the master branch for released modules in the baseline in order to complement frontend module dependencies and other backend dependencies.

How it works

The following steps describe the process of creating a FOLIO preview build based on platform-complete that consists of a frontend module feature branch and a backend module feature branch. In this example we are including branch builds of mod-tags and ui-tags.

Step 1

Edit the ‘Jenkinsfile’ for the backend module branch. Add the ‘doKubeDeploy’ and ‘publishPreview’ parameters. Example Jenkinsfile configuration:

buildMvn {
  publishModDescriptor = true
  mvnDeploy = true
  doKubeDeploy = true     <---- Add this
  publishPreview = true   <---- Add this

  doDocker = {
    buildJavaDocker {
      publishMaster = true
      publishPreview = true  <---- Add this
      healthChk = true
      healthChkCmd = 'wget --no-verbose --tries=1 --spider http://localhost:8081/admin/health || exit 1'

Open PR for backend module branch. This will initiate a branch build of the backend module and deploy to a FOLIO kubernetes cluster. Branch build artifacts are versioned as POM_VERSION-PR_NUMBER.JENKINS_BUILD_NUMBER (for example: mod-tags-0.6.0-SNAPSHOT.35.1). If build is successful, then proceed to the next step.

Step 2

Clone the repository. Create a branch, and create a file called .pr-custom-deps.json in the top-level directory of the checkout. This is a JSON list that includes the modules that we are substituting for the default released modules currently specified on master.

Example .pr-custom-deps.json file:

   "id": "mod-tags-0.6.0-SNAPSHOT.35.1",
   "action": "enable"

Edit the package.json file. Specify the branch of ui-tags that we want to include in the build.

"dependencies": {
    "@folio/calendar": "2.7.2",
    "@folio/checkin": "1.10.1",
    "@folio/checkout": "2.0.1",
    "@folio/circulation": "1.12.0",
    "@folio/developer": "1.11.0",
    "@folio/inventory": "1.13.3",
    "@folio/myprofile": "1.8.0",
    "@folio/plugin-find-instance": "1.6.0",
    "@folio/plugin-find-user": "1.9.1",
    "@folio/requests": "1.14.3",
    "@folio/search": "1.10.0",
    "@folio/servicepoints": "1.4.2",
    "@folio/stripes": "2.12.1",
    "@folio/tags": "folio-org/ui-tags#pr-preview-test", <--- HERE

Open a pull request against platform-complete master branch. Emphasise DO NOT MERGE in the PR title, or label, or both.

This PR triggers a build of a FOLIO tenant on a Kubernetes cluster dedicated to CI. The tenant will be built using the modules specified in the okapi-install.json file. If any modules are optionally specified in the .pr-custom-deps.json file, they will replace the modules in the okapi-install.json file. A stripes bundle for the tenant is built based on what is specified in the package.json file, and is deployed to an Amazon s3 bucket.

Jenkins will mark up the pull request with a link to the stripes bundle and the tenant admin user name. The password is always ‘admin’. The developers, testers, and POs can utilise that to verify the build.

Step 3

If changes are needed, then modify the backend or frontend module branch. If the backend module is updated, then modify its snapshot number in the platform .pr-custom-deps.json file.

Re-run the PR, which will provide a new verification link and a new tenant admin user name.


  • Only the latest three releases and two snapshots (master branch) of backend modules are retained on the Kubernetes cluster. A preview cannot be built using older dependencies.

  • There can be multiple build iterations for each PR. A new tenant will be created for each iteration. However, only one Stripes bundle is retained – the one produced from the latest build iteration.

  • The FOLIO PR preview tenant and AWS S3 bucket will remain available until the PR is closed.

  • When closing platform PR, DO NOT MERGE. Also remove the test branch.