** DEPRECATED ** Getting Started with FOLIO for Developers
00: Introduction
: FOLIO Developer Curriculum Outline
01: Clone, Build, and Explore Okapi
02: Initialize Okapi from the command line
03: Enable Okapi Authentication
04: Deploy test Stripes module
05: Set up the Okapi Users app
06: Interact with the FOLIO Stable VM
The previous lessons have provided a quick overview of deploying the parts of the system, and doing some minimal configuration.
This Lesson uses the folio-stable VM to provide a full up-to-date system. It has all the necessary modules deployed, and users and items already loaded.
If you still have the VirtualBox guest running from the previous lessons, then change to the folio-curriculum directory and do: vagrant halt; cd ..
Do this step prior to attending a workshop.
Prepare the box. It will sit beside your other halted folio-curriculum box.
mkdir folio-stable && cd folio-stable
vagrant init --minimal folio/stable
vagrant up
vagrant ssh
The folio-ansible notes explain the purpose of the “stable” box, show how to explore the system, view the Okapi logs and Stripes logs, and find the box version information and release notes.
Open a couple more shell terminal windows to follow the Okapi and Stripes log files.
Following these log files is explained, as well as how to follow the log of each backend module.
$ cd folio-stable
$ vagrant ssh
$ tail -f /var/log/folio/okapi/okapi.log
$ cd folio-stable
$ vagrant ssh
$ docker logs stripes_stripes_1 --follow
Remember that the Stripes service is forwarded through port 3000, so we can interact with it using our local web browser.
open http://localhost:3000
Admin login: diku_admin/admin
View the “About” page near the top-left corner to see the current version information for the services and dependencies.
Browse and view the Users and Items sections.
Open a couple more shell terminal windows to send requests.
Remember that the Okapi service is forwarded through port 9130, so we can interact with it using ‘curl’ from the host machine.
Save the following script as run-basic.sh
in your work directory. It provides a basic interaction with Okapi.
Expand this later to do some other queries. The API docs will be useful. The CQL docs will explain the Contextual Query Language (CQL) used by FOLIO.
So start talking, do: ./run-basic.sh
# Run some queries against a folio-stable VM.
CURL="curl -w\n -D - "
echo Ensuring that Okapi can be reached ...
$CURL $OKAPIURL/_/proxy/tenants
if [ $STATUS != 0 ]; then
echo "Cannot contact Okapi: $STATUS"
echo Doing login and getting our token ...
cat >$PATH_TMP-login-credentials.json << END
"userId": "diku_admin",
"password": "admin"
$CURL $H_TENANT $H_JSON --progress-bar \
-d@$PATH_TMP-login-credentials.json \
$OKAPIURL/authn/login > $PATH_TMP-login-response.json
echo Extracting the token header from the response ...
H_TOKEN=-H`grep -i x-okapi-token "$PATH_TMP-login-response.json" | sed 's/ //' `
# echo Received a token $H_TOKEN
echo Test 1: Find some users
echo Finished.